Interested in working with me?

Below are some of the reasons why you may want to work with me. If you're still not sure if I'm the best fit for you, check out my Services page to see the range of services that I offer, tailored just to your needs!

You'll get access to my free blogs on the topics of wellness and a low-carbohydrate/ketogenic lifestyle.

You are working with a professional who has been trained as a psychotherapist and who, therefore, has heard and seen it all! So, if the support needed is more than lifestyle coaching, therapy can be an option.

Not being a formal nutritionist means that I am not rooted in a particular area of thought or dogma, as a nutritionist may be. Therefore, I can be more objective and offer you an approach to nutrition that is free from politics and is focused on works best for YOUR body.

You can be confident to know that your work with me will center around body-positivity so that you can learn how to live healthier but also love yourself more, regardless of your size.

You'll have priority access to all updates and offerings, including classes, events, and new publications.

You don't have to do it alone! You'll have access to a free online support community.

You'll have referral options to the network of resources and fellow professionals to help you on your low-carb high-fat ketogenic lifestyle journey.

No more panicking in the grocery story not knowing what to buy or over what to make for a family function! You'll get phone, text, and email support and encouragement to help support you when the times get tough.

Collaborative meal plan creation, incorporating things unique to you, like food preferences and sensitivities/allergies.

Confidence that you are working with a life-long learner who makes it her job to stay educated on the most-updated research.

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