

How Nashville Challenged My Perspective on Eating “Local”

What does "local" food mean? What constitutes it? For example, Hattie B's (the famous source of the dish of Nashville: "hot chicken") started in Nashville but now has multiple locations. So, it is now a "chain" and...

The Dark Side of Nashville: Two Major Problems

I could really get use to this travel thing! Going cool places; meeting cool people. Two things stick out to me today. First, when reflecting on the art museum we went to today: how poorly we treat...

The Challenge of Veganism: All Food Ends in Death

As I continue to take courses through Kalamazoo Valley Community College's Community Education programs such as The Ethics of Eating and Urban Homesteading, I am confronted with an important question: veganism or meat-eating? I know both philosophies...

The Ethics of Eating: What I Have Learned – Part 2

...Continued... Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Something is considered "GMO" when the DNA has been altered. So, a better term for this is actually something like "Genetic Engineering" or "Bio-engineering." But, whatever we call it, what I didn't know...

The Ethics of Eating: What I Have Learned – Part 1

Earlier this month, I attended a training called "The Ethics of Eating: Decoding Sustainable Foods Marketing Claims" at my local Kalamazoo Valley Community College Food Innovation Center. Given that I have always had an interest in...
Ashley Carter Youngblood is a wellness coach, lifestyle blogger, trained psychotherapist, and low-carbohydrate practitioner with the Nutrition Network located in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

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