

“You’re So Lucky to be Healthy”: Memoir of a Mother – Part 2

…Continued from Part 1… I consult with a lot of people about their health.  My primary goal is to help individuals understand clearly that doing as many of the “right” things for their body as often as possible is...

“You’re So Lucky to Be Healthy”: Memoir of a Mother – Part 1

This is something I hear frequently.  I appreciate that most people view me as a great example of a healthy person and I am very grateful for my excellent health.  Every passing year (and they go waaaaay too fast!) my...

Stopping Food Cravings with EFT/”Tapping”

When I work with others to identify ways in which they can live the most healthy lifestyle, whether low-carbohydrate/ketogenic or not, part of this work relates to how to help remove barriers to healing that keep us...
Ashley Carter Youngblood is a wellness coach, lifestyle blogger, trained psychotherapist, and low-carbohydrate practitioner with the Nutrition Network located in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

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